A Better You: WHY (State Of Mind)

Upon request of many ladies (and some gents) that have been asking me for advice about training & nutrition the last few months…here is my version of what I like to call a complete lifestyle change for the better: ‘’A Better You’’, in body, mind and spirit.

I finally found some spare time to write, and especially on a topic like this, well, let’s just say, it’s going to be a long one, so make sure you get comfy and take notes. I’ve decided to split the whole lot into 3 parts, the WHY: State of Mind, the HOW part 1: Food & Nutrition, the HOW part 2: Fitness & HIIT.

On the 12th of august 2013, I decided I had enough. Enough of feeling so insecure about my looks, enough of not fitting into my clothing, or if I did fit into it, I didn’t look the way I wanted to. I remember we got so many VIP invites to exclusive parties and fashion events, but I could never find something to wear that I felt confident in. And I finally started realizing, it’s not the clothes, it’s Me.

How long am I going to live like this? With the constant excuse that I don’t have the time to work out, or  due to all the long days working, no time to cook proper & healthy food.

No time. I think that’s the most used excuse by people who are not ready to commit to something, they know they want/have to do.
Time is precious, I think it’s one of the most valuable assets that we possess, however, our body, is right up there next to Time if you would put them on a list.
Rule number 1: You have to MAKE time. You make time for everything and everybody else. A lot of you waste time watching television, playing games, browsing on your phones etc. The moment you decide that your health and physique is a priority over doing other things, you will suddenly ‘’find’’ time.
As an entrepreneur I work 12-16 hours a day, 7 days a week. So where do I ‘’find’’ the time? What’s your excuse?

Yes, I know it’s cliché, but I love this quote by Jim Rohn: ‘’Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live in’’. I believe the quality of your life will increase if you take good care of your body, by working out and giving it the proper nutrition at the right time. To be able to consistently do so, you need the right mindset. The following quote describes it perfectly: ‘’We were all born with 3 things: A Mind, a Body and a Lifetime, how you use the first two determines the third’’.

So I guess most of you must be thinking by now:  ‘’ok…so just tell me what to do now’’. Patience, I’m getting there…
The reason why I am taking you through my thought process, is because it is a fundamental part of making that switch to a different lifestyle. This whole process of changing it for the better, solely depends on your mindset. If you even have the slightest doubt, you will fail at this.  Most people do, which is why I said in the beginning, most people aren’t ready. And it’s not for everyone. “If it were easy, everyone would do it’’. Moreover, society makes it even harder, as we live in a world where many things are portrayed as ”healthy”, for instance diet/ low calorie-everything, while it’s really poisoning. So it’s everything, but absolutely NOT easy.

First, you have to have a reason WHY. And it should be a good one. Good enough to change your entire lifestyle and maintain it.

My WHY was because I was tired of always dreaming to look a certain way, never being confident and happy with how I actually looked. I think most women will understand. I’ve never been really overweight or ‘’fat’’, but I’ve never been skinny or lean looking either. You could grab a full hand of ”fat” from my back and my thighs would rub against each other when I walked (hated that so much!).
Ever since I was conscious about my looks around my teenage years, I’ve always had this picture in my head of how I wanted to look. Or how I should look so boys would like me. You know the ideal picture of a woman that every guy would like. Which is of course an image portrayed by our media and not realistic whatsoever. It’s a trap most women fall in.

But ever since I entered the Fashion industry with my brand, I was constantly surrounded by models, celebrities, fashionistas, bloggers. Being a representative/face of my own brand, I realized I just had to look my best. Yes, it’s a shallow business, but it does make sense, fashion is and will always be about looks. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about a size zero, just healthy and in the best ‘’shape’’ possible for your body type.

The thing I want most is to succeed in this business and most of all I want to be an inspiration, so this was/is my WHY.

Apart from the ‘’looking good’’; for a ‘’healthy’’ 24 year old, I always used to have some pain somewhere, things like migraines, back problems, low energy etc. I was just tired of it all. Both my partner and I realized that with the long hours we were making, and the unhealthy way we were living (ordering takeout almost every day, lots of snacking and chocolate, lots of soft drinks), we wouldn’t last very long to enjoy our earnings. So the second part of my WHY was to feel better, have more energy.

As I started this process, my WHY gradually shifted to another level, but I will get more into that later. You will see that your WHY will shift during the entire process, as you start seeing results.

So on august 12th  2013, both my partner and I decided to make a change. We did so gradually, and I would advise you all to do so as well. Just cutting everything that is unhealthy at once, might work for 2 days, some of you diehards may last a week,  but eventually you will fall back into your old ways as your body will protest heavily. It’s really like kicking off an addiction.

Just like addicts go through an extremely intense process during their rehabilitation, you will experience the same. That’s why your WHY has to be so important, so solid, otherwise you are most likely to give up like most people do.

Your body is so used to receiving sugar and carbs, that it’s going to protest because it thinks that it needs it. But it doesn’t need most of the garbage we eat. It takes a while before your body gets used to your new way of eating and exercising. You have to give it that time. Basically everything is trained in the mind, so if you train yourself to eat veggies for a month or 2 strictly, your body will eventually crave veggies (same as the other way around).
‘’Most  people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel’’.
You think you feel great after eating that  yummy piece of chocolate or pizza, and that’s true to some point because your body releases endorphins, but when you start feeding your body what it really needs to function at its best and you have a regular workout schedule, you will experience the endorphins + satisfaction on a whole different level. My migraines, body pains etc. are gone, I am really fit and energized throughout the day, no need for naps in the afternoon etc.

Remember this: A well-built physique is a status symbol. It reflects that you worked hard for it. No money can buy it. You cannot inherit it. You cannot borrow it. You cannot hold on to it without constant work. It shows dedication. It shows discipline. It shows self-respect and self-love. It shows dignity. It shows focus, patience, work ethic and passion!

Figure out your WHY and your WHY will bring you to the next question, which is HOW. Stay tuned for next week’s blog: ‘A Better You: HOW part 1 on Food & Nutrition’’. I will give you my knowledge and expertise on food, various misconceptions on what to eat and not, plus a food diary.

Stay focused & Fit!



P.S. I’ve decided, after long consideration to share my before and after. To me it’s really embarassing and I feel very exposed,  but at the same time I am proud of what I’ve accomplished in only 4 months of time. I would normally never publish a picture like this for the world to see, but I want you guys to understand that I’m not just writing this, I’ve really lived it all. It’s all from personal experience. No photoshop, just Me.
No calorie counting, no scales, no pills or any of that stuff they try to tell you will work. Back to natural eating and basics and just hard work and dedication. I’ve had a little fall back since December, but I’ve been getting back on my grind, so I promise you this summer, another After picture and it will be a way better one compared to december!

Image”You don’t have to be perfect to inspire others, let people get inspired by how you deal with your Imperfection”.



No Comments
  • Wendy Loa
    Posted at 12:25h, 12 May Reply

    Love your blog Nadira!! It’s like we share the same experience regarding food and working out :-). Keep up the good work & keep inspiring people. Love, Wendy

    • Nadira
      Posted at 16:39h, 16 May Reply

      So sweet, thank you Wendy!! Glad to hear we share the same experience, keep it up! Xxx

  • Pingback:A Better You: HOW -> Food & Nutrition part 1 | Lead When Others Follow
    Posted at 16:08h, 16 May Reply

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