09 Jul The Unconscious
I like to believe that people determine their own lives. That we are in control, commanding our own futures. Choosing our partners, picking professions, responsible for the decisions that shape the course of our lives. And yet, I’ve been thinking lately that there might be one force more powerful than freewill: Our unconscious.
Underneath the suits, behind closed doors, we are all ruled by the same desires. And those desires can be raw and dark and deeply shameful (in the eyes of so-called society).
When I’m in public I like to sit down and observe people. And I think a lot about the meaning of life, and how we all want to feel special, be acknowledged and loved. But is that all we want or is there more?
The more you watch someone, the more you realise…We are never really who we say we are. In fact, hidden underneath there is always a secret. We might actually be…someone else. Underneath all of the masks we put on. The question is…Are we aware of who we really are? Or do we believe the story we tell others?
Do we dare to acknowledge those deep desires or do we hide them, because we are afraid of what others might think if we’d share. Is that maybe the reason why so many of us are unhappy?
What do you guys think?
*Thoughts inspired by Gypsy*
Man Manne
Posted at 16:44h, 20 July“Modernizing Soloveitchik’s categories a bit, we could say that Adam I is the career-oriented, ambitious side of our nature. Adam I is the external, résumé Adam. Adam I wants to build, create, produce, and discover things. He wants to have high status and win”
Adam II is the internal Adam. Adam II wants to embody certain moral qualities. Adam II wants to have a serene inner character, a quiet but solid sense of right and wrong—not only to do good, but to be good. Adam II wants to love intimately, to sacrifice self in the service of others, to live in obedience to some transcendent truth, to have a cohesive inner soul that honors creation and one’s own possibilities.”
“While Adam I wants to conquer the world, Adam II wants to obey a calling to serve the world. While Adam I is creative and savors his own accomplishments, Adam II sometimes renounces worldly success and status for the sake of some sacred purpose. While Adam I asks how things work, Adam II asks why things exist, and what ultimately we are here for. While Adam I wants to venture forth, Adam II wants to return to his roots and savor the “warmth of a family meal. While Adam I’s motto is “Success,” Adam II experiences life as a moral drama. His motto is “Charity, love, and redemption.”
Soloveitchik argued that we live in the contradiction between these two Adams. The outer, majestic Adam and the inner, humble Adam are not fully reconcilable. We are forever caught in self-confrontation.”
Excerpt From: Brooks, David. “The Road to Character.” Random House, 2015
Posted at 00:06h, 21 JulyAnd so it is, and I guess will always be too…heel mooi en herkenbaar, love it!