30 Dec When The Root Is Deep…Why I don’t have resolutions for 2018.
Ah, here we are, 2017…almost over! It has prominently been a year of discovery and learning for me, a year of rooting…trying, succeeding, trying, failing, trying again, and in the process: getting to know myself and my skills, evolving, growing. The year started with heart break and loss, and almost ended with a burn out and basically everything in between (high and low) came by.
The decision to stop with fashion blogging, allowed me to allocate so much of my time to exploring amazing opportunities that came onto my path. I’ve been working on several marketing projects, all of them for different branches, which allowed me to get a good insight into what I can do with my knowledge and skills and which kind of projects I enjoy doing the most. From SEO for a dentist company to organising a complete fashion week and everything in between. From struggles with time-management, underestimating work load (big time!), miscommunications, doing business with friends (not a good idea btw!), disappointments in the quality of work of partners, while you were bringing your A-game, and more….So many challenges and stumbles, but so much wisdom gained. In my opinion, ”to stumble is to live” and I’m extremely grateful to be able to say that my other two companies, including the Wulterkens Customized Wear Store in Hilversum have been thriving, with a total sales increase of 280% compared to 2016! 🙂 🙂
These accomplishments that I’ve worked so hard for making the longest days (roughly, 90 hours a week) also had a counter side. At some point I felt like I was numb, like I was on autopilot, just getting done what needed to be done and I wasn’t really allowing myself to feel and fully experience all the things happening around me. I didn’t even stand still to enjoy my accomplishments, which is not how I know myself. I’ve been verrrry close to a burn out, gained quite some weight due to having a major foot injury and not eating (yes, not eating is worse than eating too much!). I’ve really slacked on taking care of myself, which I’m not proud of.
Despite being in contact with so many people and having thousands of social media followers, I’ve never felt more alone and misunderstood. At several points I felt like an alien, when for instance, IF there was a rare moment that I had some free time, I just didn’t know what to do with it! It got me feeling bored and I found myself unable to enjoy things that basically everyone does, like watching Netflix for too long or going out (which lead me to getting into too much work, because I somehow had this desperate need to be productive at all times). I’ve ”lost” so many ”friends”, because I simply couldn’t (or wouldn’t) keep up socially. Relationship wise, it has been a challenge too, because after 8 years and working together 24/7, despite the love definitely being there, it’s not easy to keep that fire burning hot…
I guess it’s all about choices and priorities….and despite knowing how important balance is, I think I failed on balancing out this year…Yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Things happen for a reason. Analysing my 2017, I clearly see everything and everyone I needed, came to me, exactly when I needed it and the same goes for the other way around. Everything (and everyone) I felt like I ”lost”, was for the better and lead me to something else. I’ve come to care a lot less about things that would upset me before, such as not being able to post good content regularly on social media and thus, losing many followers. Definitely upped my game of putting things into perspective, which brought me a lot of peace. I’ve learned to be more direct, raw and honest about my thoughts and feelings towards people…and I’ve gratefully seen a lot of wishes that I articulated, either through speech or pen to paper in 2016 coming true in 2017 (for better or for worse, because even some of the good ones came with lessons or some kind of repercussion).
So there it is…2018…in front of us: 365 days full of beautiful, magical opportunities. But here it comes…Apart from financial targets (still an entrepreneur 😉 ), I do not have resolutions for the new year 🙂 .
Why, you ask? Well…because I’ve learned in 2017 that we are constant works in progress and live happens, it’s so messy and plans change, constantly. I can only hope to experience as much as possible and stumble, stumble and stumble, again and again. To live kindly and lovingly, should really be the only resolution for all of us.
I do, however, visualise for myself a year of continuous prosperity and personal growth. A year where I just enjoy and handle things as they come. I also see more rest and (self) love, as I have learned enough to become more picky with regards to the projects I take on. I’m realising how fortunate I am to be in the luxurious position, where I get to be picky on which jobs to take on, so why not make use of it. Moreover, I see a healthy, fitter, stronger version of myself, more mentally and socially balanced. And I see a lot of traveling and adventure, starting january 2018 with Boston & New York. I just can’t wait!!
”When the root is deep, there is no reason to fear the wind”. I found that 2017 has rooted me and my businesses, so whatever winds come along in 2018, I’m flexible to bend and fearlessly ready!
Hoping you have a lot of beautiful memories and solid lessons to look back on for 2017 and wishing you all a healthy, happy, loving, prosperous 2018! Let’s make some magic!
After all, it’s up to you and you only…and the best is yet to come 😉 .
Oh, and I might not say this enough, but to have you here or on my social media, watching, ”listening”/ reading and spending your time with me and my thoughts instead of doing anything else at the moment, makes me the most grateful. Thank you!!
Sending you all my LOVE & LIGHT, party hard & be safe!
P.S.1 Apparently 2017 was a sexy year on Instagram haha, grateful for the love! Not following yet? Click on the picture below 😉
P.S.2 In case you were wondering: earrings in first picture are by Dori Csengeri. If you’re interested in this stunning jewellery brand and are located in the Netherlands, contact the exclusive Dutch agent Limor.
Massimo fumagalli
Posted at 20:17h, 30 DecemberThanks . Be friend is enough for me
Posted at 20:24h, 30 DecemberSweet, thank you! Best wishes!
Posted at 20:39h, 30 DecemberI LOVE YOU!
Posted at 21:30h, 30 DecemberLove you too!! <3
Man Manne
Posted at 15:36h, 31 DecemberGive yourself space and time. All the pieces matter.
Posted at 16:28h, 31 DecemberYes, will definitely do, my friend! Wishing you all the best for 2018 and see you soon!
Wendye Wyatt Belldame
Posted at 00:50h, 10 AugustLa lecture de votre article a été très agréable. Wendye Wyatt Belldame
Posted at 13:46h, 01 SeptemberThank you so much Wendye, that means a lot!